Every Province a Victory Point!

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Author: Roni

Last revision: 28 Apr at 06:30 UTC (1)

File size: 1.28 MB

On Steam Workshop


Infuriatingly I couldn’t update the mod through the launcher AGAIN. Hopefully this is the last time this happens, it gets annoying to reupload every time…
This mod has been updated to 1.14!


Does the game feel too boring? Italian-Ethopian war ends too quickly for you? The Soviet Union too easy to capitulate? Well, look no further, because this mod gives nearly every province a victory point!

After some tedious and careful work, virtually every province which had a sizable population in 1936 has received a victory point! Exceptions include provinces with no permanent population, provinces which had too much of a small population to be included and cities which I couldn’t confirm their existence in 1936. And although not truly every province has been represented, we still have almost 10,000 provinces mapped out with victory points.

The mod was done with the motive of giving every province a geographical indication, which was sorely missing in HoI4, however since in HoI4 victory points are more like cities than regions, I have named every VP by the biggest settlement in that area rather than after the region. In some areas, especially Siberia, it was difficult to find cities which I could confirm existed and which had a big enough population, but the inclusion limit for most regions was very low, with some areas having settlements with only ~50 people.

What does this mod do?

Other than adding victory points for every province, I have changed a few other things, to make the mod more appropriate for the time period and for a better flavour in general.

  • Localized Names – This was something I considered a bit, and in the end I took the liberty to give every place their native name. Rome becomes Roma, Warsaw becomes Warszawa and Moscow becomes Moskva. The current problem with this is that if for example Germany takes Poland, the Polish city names don’t change to German names, so it will be an issue I’ll be looking to address. Additionally, colonial cities keep their colonial names rather than their native names, other than a few minor exceptions.
  • Correct geographical position – Most pre-existing VPs were in the right position before, but some needed adjusting. The most notable example would be Providence, Rhode Island, which is now correctly placed.
  • Correct city names – There aren’t many striking examples but cities have been renamed to fit in with the time period. An example would be Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, which was called Ciudad Trujillo at the time.
  • Correct time period cities – This was a very difficult part of the research, but it was the most important one. Places like Cancun weren’t founded until the 60s, so it was very important for me to nail down the exact year of foundation. This is also part of the reason some provinces don’t have VPs even though they currently have big cities.

There may be some VPs which are inaccurate for one of the reasons specified above, so if you find any of those which you feel might be wrong, please let me know!

Future Plans

I currently don’t have many plans on improving the mod other than occasionally updating it according to necessity, however I plan on making mod support for other big mods like Kaiserreich, Millennium Dawn and The Great War. If any modders want to have a mod support version for their mod, feel free to contact me. I also plan on making a version with only English city names, rather than native names, however that might happen only later.


  • u/Beat_saber_music for helping me out with Finland

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.