Italian Ambitions: What if Italy won the Great War

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Author: PK Freeze

Last revision: 18 May, 2020 at 20:50 UTC (3)

File size: 63.16 MB

On Steam Workshop

"What if Italy won the Great War?"

Starting out as a bit of a joke mod, the Italian Ambitions team (aka me) now proudly presents its original alternative history mod centered around Italian competence during World War 1. With eight new political ideologies offering more variety in world politics, a handful of homemade leader portraits, accurate leaders for all countries during the time period and a GUARANTEED -80% likelihood that your game might crash, we hope you enjoy your time playing this mod!

The Lore

Starting in mid-1922, more than thirteen years earlier than the original start date for Hearts of Iron IV, Italian Ambiitons takes place in an universe in which Italy managed to succesfully break through the Alps and win battle after battle against the Austro-Hungarians and the Germans. This wave of successes made Italy the main peace negociator, and the Treaty of Milan, comparable to our universe’s Treaty of Versailles, made Germany give up the South, effectively rolling the years back to before the Franco-Prussian war for them, as well as the Rhine, under occupation by a French nation that is not entirely satisfied with the German war reparations it’s getting…

While the Austro-Hungarian Empire found itself dismantled in the Treaty of Venice, albeit under different terms than real life events, the Ottoman Empire, even after the Treaty of Sèvres, still stands… but for how much longer? As for the situation in Russia, a less vulnerable White Army at the start of the Russian Civil War and a more sluggish conquest of the Russian heartland by the Reds means the war is still raging on, having started to shift in the favor of the Russian Republic under Alexander Kerensky… Multiple nations in the former Empire have declared their independence however, and the bloody nature of the conflict has forced both sides of the war to tolerate said nations, for the time being at least. As some nations are on the rise and others on the decline, the future of this alternate timeline now rests in your hands.

  • Focus tree for Italy, complete with events and national ideas. Keep Victor Emmanuel III as your leader and solidify your influence both in Europe and in your colonies, or support Mussolini’s March on Rome and establish yourself as the dominant power in the region through conquest and subjuggation.
  • Several scripted world events: a four way Civil War in Turkey, an aggressive France seeking to integrate the Ruhr into its Rhenish client state, Military takeovers in Iberia, as well as wars in both Russia and the Baltic.
  • A technology tree very slightly adapted for the 1922 start date.
  • OOBs updated for every country. No more units spawning in foreign territory or nations without division templates!
  • A world tension limit for war justifications temporarily lowered to 0% by default for more active gameplay despite the mod being in the very early stages of development.
  • Decisions to form Germany and China.

Recommended countries to play as:
  • Italy: has by far the most amount of work put into it
  • Russia / Soviet Union: try to win the Russian Civil War and work towards restoring your status as a major power in foreign affairs by reclaiming your lost territories
  • Turkey: try to win the Turkish Civil War in the name of the sultan, democracy, socialism or national corporatism. I heard the Turkish Commune might have some interesting decisions, too…
  • North German Republic: resist the French’s demands to occupy the Ruhr and try to win a war in which you are initially severely outnumbered
  • One of the Chinese Warlords: conquer your way towards restoring the Republic of China and take on the foreign powers occupying your claims
  • The Rif: engage in guerilla warfare against the Spanish and survive until their casualty count becomes too large for them, giving you the possibility to peace them out and reform into the Kingdom of Morocco

Known issues
  • The navy has been (for the most part) untouched
  • Most leaders have either portraits for other leaders from the base game or don’t have portraits at all

What next?

As said previously, the mod is VERY early in development. There are several things for me to do, such as adding more decisions and more events for a world that is more active and has more room for possibilities. I would like to add more focus trees as well, but I’m not sure for which countries, which is why I would like you to say which country you would like a focus tree for in the mod’s Workshop page.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.