Pearl Harbor Expansion: A VNR Submod

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Author: MrPunk

Last revision: 9 Jul at 14:07 UTC (5)

File size: 196.08 MB

On Steam Workshop


An official submod for Vanilla Navy Rework
Note that this is designed for historical mode, any alternative path of Japan or US may cause problems, you have been warned.


Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The attack on Pearl Harbor is not only one of the most important events in America’s history, but also marks a turning point in the Second World War. The submod aims at enriching the most overlooked part in base game, trying to add more immersion to the Pacific theatre. It expands contents about Japanese preparation of the attack and how the US reacted after it.


Pre-war Period
-Fight isolationism and impacts of the Great Depression as USA in the "United We Stand" system.
-Stablize and militarize the cabinet as Japan in the aftermath of Feb 26th Incident and experience how the empire descends into a fascist state from a nominally democratic country in the "Japanese Cabinet" system.
Attack on Pearl Harbor
-Get your military forces ready as Japan in a series of decisions of 3-stage preparation, and launch the attack on Pearl Harbor and disable the Pacific Fleet.
-Contain Japan’s ambition in Asia through economic and diplomatic measures as USA in the "Great Pacific Game" decisions.
Pacific War
-Play Japan, utilize elements of surprise and strong bonus in the wake of the Pearl Harbor Incident to invade Southeast Asia and South Pacific.
-Play USA, launch counterattack led by Admiral Nimitz after the initial humiliated defeat.
-With strategic bombing and checmical weapons, prepare Operation Downfall and plot a full invasion of Japan that is determined to fight to the last man.
-Force USA to a conditional peace in the Pacific as Japan.
-Take Okinawa and Iwo Jima as USA, and force Japan to an unconditional surrender.
-Witness the Red Army invade Manchuria in Operation August Storm
-Witness the signature of the Atlantic Charter
-Experience Japan’s invasion of Thailand in the eve of the Pacific War


-VNR is not necessary to play this mod
-RT56 is tested and proved to be compatible. But please don’t ask me for compatibility of other overhaul mods, I don’t have time or intention to make that happen.




I’d like to thank SinGone1 for remaking all of Japan’s portraits

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.