Australian Upgraded Focus Tree

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Author: Chipolatta

Last revision: 15 Jun at 07:13 UTC (2)

File size: 3.7 MB

On Steam Workshop


This mod is just a rebalancing of existing Australian focus tree from Together from Victory.
It’s strongly based on the original focus with some rebalancing as presented below. As disclaimer, I’m not an english native speaker and I don’t know very well Australia, so please forgive my historic approximations and english mistakes. (feel free to contact me if you see some btw)

It adds several buildable national spirits among :
– Australian Armed Forces : Increase recruitable population and overall army effectiveness with different focus. Special forces and amphibious operations are the priority of this spirit to match Pacific warfare.
– Royal Australian Air Force : Increase air combat efficiency and range to fight across Pacific. Medium and Large Aircraft are especialy upgraded to allow long range missions.
– Australian Women’s Army Service : Allows to increase recruitable factor for all land,air and navy branches with little to no maluses at first and more and more severe drawbacks depending on your conscription level.

The political focus allows 2 different democratic paths as before with a slightly different completion :
– Become more dependant of UK to gain powerful industrial bonuses and much needed manpower to assert British positions in the South West Pacific.
– Break from UK and create a democratic alliance with USA, Indonesia and or Japan and then endorse Pacific Guardian role to stop fascism and communism in South West Pacific.

Otherwise you may go for Fascism or Communism with the following differences :
– Slowly gain autonomy from UK by taking control via diplomatic way of its South West Pacific possessions and then form your own fascist empire with Indonesian puppet or trade it to ally Japan.
– Break free from UK and get closer to Communist China and the workers cause, then scheme to liberate Japan’s workers or ally Soviet Union and get its economic support.

=> You may mix it with my other mod : Indian Focus Tree which is a deeper rework of existing Indian focus from TfV :


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.